Sunday, September 2, 2012

Redesign to Pacify

This weekend A and I went up to the city to clean our new house. Some great friends and family came to help out as well including A's mom and dad, my sister, A's two sisters and our good friend Kailyn. Here is my public thank you to them for doing such a damn fine job of helping clean up our new abode. Thank You!!!!!
Getting to spend so much time familiarizing ourselves with this new place has really got my creative juices flowing, but, since A would probably kill me if I drug out my crafting supplies in the midst of all this ::cough cough:: packing, I decided to settle for a little blog redesign instead. Let me know what you think of it.
We are so excited to get back to the city, just one more week and we can call it home again! Everyone have a safe and happy Labor Day!


  1. I didn't see what it looked like before but I like this one!

    1. Thank, It was like a pale yellow and some other pastel colors and fonts but I think this is easier on he eye. I've learned that keeping as much white/grey space around your posts helps draw the eye to what matters.
